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I am a collaboration of emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects with the privilege of being a woman, doula, friend, sister, confidante, cheerleader & empath.

I am a third-generation Maltese/Indigenous granddaughter of Peter & Dorothy.

Peter migrated from Gozo to Malta, working where he could and sending money back to his family. He once told me he ate rabbits and cockles from the beach to survive.

Peter met my grandmother, Dorothy, who was born in Pt Augusta. She said Peter had the most amazing eyelashes at a dance where they first met. As her 'adoptive' mother affiliated with a church group, she organised everything when marrying my grandpa, even down to the type of wedding dress.

Peter, my grandpa, graduated with an engineering degree at this age in the framed picture after making toolboxes where my mother & auntie worked for him as children. Progressing into owning a few companies, one that manufactured large mining drills & more. I fondly remember the burning metal smell and scattered sparks of welding at his factories in Wingfield.

He often expressed how much he loved this country, Australia, its beautiful landscapes and stunning beaches, the opportunities found in Australia, leaving Malta for a better life for himself & his young family, and the outdoor celebrations of being together around the Webber BBQ—not on any one 'prescribed' day but of many days!!

However, one side of the family is directly affected by colonialism. We have always acknowledged atrocities in the history of Australia for all the heinous crimes, including many other indigenous cultures affected by subjugation around the globe.

Our family recognises the injustices of 'governments' and their heinous institutions because they directly affected many of our family members and how these corrupt systems affect all of us, even now.

As I see it, he celebrated the country and not the criminal history of Australia. It saddens me that we cannot separate the two and how much division it causes.

My blended family do not choose to celebrate colonialism but Australia as an existing country where my grandmother & grandfather worked & lived.

I celebrate the gratitude and love my grandpa had for Australia. Not only today but many, many, many days!!

How wonderful it is to have such diversity for those of us who work, live & play in this beautiful country of Australia.

With care & consideration         

Your dedicated Doula  xoxo



Copyright   Ameliorate Matrescene 2023 | All rights reserved


Amelia creates a nurturing, nonjudgmental space where you can freely express yourself without fear or prejudice. With a rich background in frontline customer service within healthcare & a successful foray into formal education, particularly in understanding human development & psychology, Amelia brings a unique blend of professional expertise with personal understanding to her role as a doula, confidante & cheerleader.

Her journey into supporting women through pregnancy & childbirth began during her studies with the Australian Doula College (ADC), where she delved into the profound interconnectedness of these experiences with the broader journey of parenting. Inspired by anthropologist Dana Louise Raphael's concept of "Matrescene" & further developed by clinical psychologist Aurelie Athan, Amelia views conception, pregnancy & childbirth as an integral part of a continuum that shapes active human beings' involvement & overall development.

Drawing from her experiences working in child protection & witnessing the challenges faced by peers, friends & relatives transitioning into motherhood, Amelia's commitment to supporting women & protecting children is unwavering. She acknowledges the myriad challenges that women & their families may encounter, including strained relationships, financial difficulties & the overwhelming stress of caregiving responsibilities.

Amelia's approach to perinatal support is grounded in evidence-based practices & ongoing education. She continuously seeks to expand her knowledge & skills to provide her clients with the most current, culturally appropriate & effective support. Central to her practice is the creation of a nonjudgmental & inclusive environment where individuals & their families feel seen, held, valued & heard.

With a deep understanding of the bio-psycho-social aspects of pregnancy & childbirth, Amelia adopts a holistic framework that recognises the cultural diversity & uniqueness of each woman's experience. She prioritises creating an inclusive, safe, supportive space where individuals, in collaboration with families, can safely & gently explore their values to support the desired vision for their journey into parenthood.

As a holistic perinatal support provider, Amelia adheres to the highest ethical standards outlined by organisations such as the Australian Doula College (ADC) & the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). She collaborates closely with her clients to identify their unique needs & goals, leveraging Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory to locate appropriate resources for connections within their communities.

Amelia's ultimate goal is to empower individuals & families to navigate their perinatal journey with confidence, ease & joy.

By offering comprehensive, holistic & ethical support, she aims to facilitate a positive yet empowering experience for all involved.

With care & consideration


Your dedicated Doula  xoxo

Copyright   Ameliorate Matrescene 2023 | All rights reserved


ERIKSON | 1950       


Erikson's psychosocial development theory proposes that personality development occurs through eight stages, each with a psychosocial crisis that can impact personality development positively or negatively (Erikson, 1958, 1963). These crises involve a conflict between individual psychological needs and those of society, and their resolution sets the foundation for the next stage of development, leading to the formation of a unique and integrated personality by the end of the eight stages (Erikson, 1959). Erikson's theory has been widely applied in psychology, education, and social work to understand human development and guide intervention strategies (Waterman, 2014).

Erikson, E. H. (1958). The nature of the child's tie to his mother. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 20(4), 277-288.

Erikson, E. H. (1959). Identity and the life cycle. International Universities Press.

Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and society (2nd ed.). Norton.

Waterman, A. S. (2014). Erikson, Erik Homburger. In The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc


PIAGET | 1936       


Piaget's cognitive development theory proposes that children actively construct their understanding of the world through exploring and manipulating their environment. Piaget's theory challenges the view that intelligence is fixed and unchanging, suggesting instead that it develops through a series of universal stages. The four stages of Piaget's theory are the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, and formal operational stages, each characterised by unique cognitive abilities. Children must progress through each stage sequentially and irreversibly. Piaget's theory has significantly impacted psychology, including education, providing insights into how children learn and develop.

Piaget, J. (1936). The origins of intelligence in children. International Universities Press.

Piaget, J. (1950). The psychology of intelligence. Routledge.

Piaget, J. (1952). The origins of intelligence in children (Vol. 8). International Universities Press


BOWLBY | 1969       


Bowlby's attachment theory highlights the significance of early relationships in shaping an individual's emotional and social development. Infants are driven to form attachments with their primary caregiver as a means of survival, and the quality of this attachment, known as monotropy, significantly impacts the child's future relationships and social interactions. A secure attachment is linked to positive outcomes, such as better emotional regulation improving social competence, while an insecure attachment can lead to behavioural and emotional issues. Bowlby's theory has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of the importance of early childhood experiences in promoting the healthy development of relationships.

Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Clinical applications of attachment theory. Routledge.

Bretherton, I. (1992). The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Developmental Psychology, 28(5), 759-775.


VYGOTSKY | 1962       


Vygotsky's social constructivist theory stresses the critical role of social interaction in shaping cognitive development. According to Vygotsky, children learn better when they participate in social activities that engage with peers and adults, acquiring new knowledge and skills through interactions. The theory emphasises the importance of collaboration and socialisation in the learning process, as children develop their understanding of the world around them through dialogue and shared experiences with others. Teachers can utilise this theory in the classroom by creating opportunities for students to engage in collaborative problem-solving activities while supporting active guidance to develop their skills and knowledge.

Ormrod, J. E. (2014). Educational psychology: Developing learners (8th ed.). Pearson.


BANDURA | 1963       


Bandura's social learning theory suggests that people learn by observing and imitating others, with cognitive and environmental factors playing a critical role in shaping behaviour. Through the process of modelling, individuals acquire new skills and behaviours by watching others, particularly those they perceive as credible or successful. This theory highlights the importance of reinforcement and punishment in shaping behaviour, with positive or negative consequences reinforcing or decreasing the likelihood of a behaviour recurring. For instance, children who observe their parents' positive behaviour as rewarded are likelier to imitate that behaviour. Similarly, children who see their parents' negative behaviours and are penalised for a behaviour may be less likely to repeat it.

Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Oxford, England: Prentice-Hall. 

Copyright   Ameliorate Matrescene 2023 | All rights reserved



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Ameliorate Matrescene is a woman-centred business by a certified doula who is passionately dedicated to prioritising the safety and well-being of all children.

Safeguarding children is a moral imperative and a fundamental responsibility for society. As a business operating in community safety, we are dedicated to and consistently strive to ensure that children are at the forefront of all our safety considerations and paramount to any services provided.

This lifetime commitment to child safety is unwavering, taking great pride in implementing a comprehensive set of measures designed to protect children from exploitation and harm. To go beyond compliance with legal requirements by actively seeking to enhance child safety in all aspects of operations. Achieving this means actively engaging with child-safe legislation, codes of practice, and national guidelines and incorporating them into the fabric of operations.

Additionally, as part of upholding personal ethics and professionalism, continuing professional development is dedicated to undertaking and undergoing rigorous training and education to promote a child-safe culture. Employment experience ensures sensitivity to children's vulnerabilities and needs, proactively identifying potential risks and then responding effectively to any safety concerns. Maintaining a vigilant focus on child safety creates an environment that fosters trust and confidence among all clients, friends, family, and community, including all relevant stakeholders.

As part of our commitment to the safety of children, we actively collaborate with relevant authorities, child protection agencies, and other relevant stakeholders. This collaborative approach allows us to stay abreast of the latest developments in child safety and adapt practices accordingly, further fortifying our dedication to keeping children safe and standing firm in our resolve to place children's safety at the heart of all business operations.

Ameliorate Matrescene remains committed to advocating for child-safe legislation, adhering to codes of practice, and following national guidelines to safeguard children from potential risks. Together with our stakeholders and partners, we endeavour to create a safer world for children where they can thrive, grow, and dream without compromise.

Kerslake, A (2023) Commitment to Child safe environments. Ameliorate Matrescene

Copyright   Ameliorate Matrescene 2023 | All rights reserved