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I am a collaboration of emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects with the privilege of being a woman, doula, friend, sister, confidante, cheerleader & empath.

I am a third-generation Maltese/Indigenous granddaughter of Peter & Dorothy.

Peter migrated from Gozo to Malta, working where he could and sending money back to his family. He once told me he ate rabbits and cockles from the beach to survive.

Peter met my grandmother, Dorothy, who was born in Pt Augusta. She said Peter had the most amazing eyelashes at a dance where they first met. As her 'adoptive' mother affiliated with a church group, she organised everything when marrying my grandpa, even down to the type of wedding dress.

Peter, my grandpa, graduated with an engineering degree at this age in the framed picture after making toolboxes where my mother & auntie worked for him as children. Progressing into owning a few companies, one that manufactured large mining drills & more. I fondly remember the burning metal smell and scattered sparks of welding at his factories in Wingfield.

He often expressed how much he loved this country, Australia, its beautiful landscapes and stunning beaches, the opportunities found in Australia, leaving Malta for a better life for himself & his young family, and the outdoor celebrations of being together around the Webber BBQ—not on any one 'prescribed' day but of many days!!

However, one side of the family is directly affected by colonialism. We have always acknowledged atrocities in the history of Australia for all the heinous crimes, including many other indigenous cultures affected by subjugation around the globe.

Our family recognises the injustices of 'governments' and their heinous institutions because they directly affected many of our family members and how these corrupt systems affect all of us, even now.

As I see it, he celebrated the country and not the criminal history of Australia. It saddens me that we cannot separate the two and how much division it causes.

My blended family do not choose to celebrate colonialism but Australia as an existing country where my grandmother & grandfather worked & lived.

I celebrate the gratitude and love my grandpa had for Australia. Not only today but many, many, many days!!

How wonderful it is to have such diversity for those of us who work, live & play in this beautiful country of Australia.

With care & consideration         

Your dedicated Doula  xoxo



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